Feedback-Informed Treatment
& Deliberate Practice
Training & Support
Our training packages keeping you up-to-date with the latest research and give you
the skills you need to help more people, more often.
Transforming Care: Elevate Your Skills with Feedback-Informed Treatment and Deliberate Practice Training
Holistic Research Canada provides synchronous and asynchronous sessions on the essential competencies of Feedback-Informed Treatment (FIT). Led by Measurement-Based Care expert and Certified FIT Trainer, Cindy Hansen.
FIT is a patient-centered therapy outcome monitoring system recognized by SAMHSA as an EBP. FIT employs standardized outcome and session ratings to collect feedback on key variables to inform and improve care. All training features engaging lectures, valuable materials, and hands-on demonstrations that aim to refine skills through deliberate practice exercises that highlight both strengths and areas for growth.
As Cindy Hansen, CFT, emphasizes, "Continue doing what works, but remember that enhancing your FIT skills helps more people, more often."
Formation sur le traitement éclairé par la rétroaction et la pratique délibérée
Vous cherchez une formation engageante et enrichissante?
Quelqu'un qui est disponible pour fournir des leçons évolutives et sur mesure ? Depuis 2007, Cindy Hansen, CFT s'est engagée à aider les agences et les individus du monde entier à développer une approche des soins plus éclairée par la rétroaction. Que vous souhaitiez perfectionner vos compétences existantes ou apprendre quelque chose de complètement nouveau, CindyHansenCFT.com peut vous fournir les conseils et le soutien dont vous avez besoin pour réussir.


FIT Pro Development
Tous les mois
Tailored lessons and group activities to improve FIT Skills
Valide jusqu'à annulation
7 jours d'essai gratuit
Feedback-Informed Treatment and Deliberate Practice Training
Proven FIT Practitioner Development Activities & Exercises
Videos of FIT Best Practice Demonstrations
Unlimited Access to live support from Senior FIT Trainers
Access to a Private FIT Pro Development Community

Tous les ans
Switch to annual payment, and save
Valide jusqu'à annulation
7 jours d'essai gratuit
Feedback-Informed Treatment and Deliberate Practice Training
Proven FIT Practitioner Development Activities & Exercises
Videos of TOMS FIT Best Practice Demonstrations
Unlimited Access to live support from Senior FIT Trainers
Access to a Private FIT Pro Development Community

Feedback Culture
4 one-hr sessions, at a set biweekly interval
Valable 3 mois
Week 1- Is it working? Do you have FIT Core Competencies?
Week 2- Quantify your Feedback Culture with the FRIFM
Week 3- Failing Successfully and Engaging More Often
Week 4- Agree to Add-ins & Take-aways to improve FIT Culture
Live group discussions facilitated by a Senior FIT Trainer
Proven FIT Practitioner Development Activities & Exercises
Choisissez votre formule
Trouvez celle qui vous convient
Join the Effective Therapist Directory
The Effective Therapist Directory promotes practice-based evidence. Profiles in the Effective Therapist Directory include everything you would expect, plus standardized ICCE reporting metrics, the ones that are easiest for potential clients to appraise:
Number of Clients,
Average Number of Sessions,
Pre-Post Effect Size and
% of Clients Reaching Target.