I have just registered for the fall APA Conference. Vivian Pender, new APA president has inspired me, She has vowed to make the social determinants of mental health a priority. Eternally optimistic, I believe this new focus will soon affect Clinical Practice, Policy, Public Health, and Research & Education. All for the better!

Here are some early quotes from her, signalling change:
Social: Adverse child experiences, racism, lack of access to health care, and exposure to violence and to the criminal justice system. “Every one of these has an overwhelmingly negative impact on mental health. In our roles as psychiatrists and mental health experts, we know that there are culturally informed programs and interventions that are available. We have to advocate for solutions that are funded, implemented, and accessible.”
Economic: “According to a 2019 Federal Reserve report—and this was before the pandemic—a third of the families in the United States would be thrown into debt by a $400 surprise. A medical bill, a car wreck, a layoff, any of these things. … Poverty is not relative; it is absolute in the way that it affects a person’s entire existence.”
Environmental: “It matters where you were born and where you live,” Pender said. “Is there a grocery store nearby or only fast food—known to be factors contributing to obesity. Does your child have a safe playground to enjoy, or are you next to a highway or a polluting factory? Are you dealing with frequent storms or fires because of climate change? On the other hand, is there green space around you with trees, clean water, parks, and playgrounds? This makes a difference in stress levels and all the physiological consequences of increased stress hormones.”
Political: “There are systemic policies, laws, and enforcement that sometimes serve to maintain social choices. These are the policies that effectively institutionalize forms of discrimination and produce deep disparities. These policies represent barriers to mental health care. I believe APA can make a difference by alerting legislators and the wider public to the deeply harmful effects of these policies on mental health.”
Listen to the latest interview with Dr Vivian Pender to hear more: https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.pn.2021.8.31