In 2015, I brought together a consortium of researchers, educators, and clinicians dedicated to understanding and promoting excellence in behavioral healthcare. The task of the ICCE eLearning initiative was to translate the Feedback-informed Treatment (FIT) manuals into an engaging Web 2.0. experience. The result was FIT eLearning, an accredited, 12-hour psychotherapy training program available online through MyOutcomes® for $179.00 USD.
The FIT Basics: Practitioner Development program includes the lectures from Scott D. Miller and closely follows the original activities and goals we developed during the ICCE eLearning initiative. The ICCE eLearning initiative created a new educational format designed to help highlight both your strengths and weaknesses, to identify what you've learned well and where you can learn a little bit more. There are not only materials to read, engaging lectures and demonstrations to watch, you're also going to be collaborating with peers from around the world as you move through these six lessons. It's an interactive experience, we haven't simply translated the FIT manuals into text on your computer screen. You're got to really interact with the material and learn how to be become a more feedback informed practitioner. I was so honoured to work with this amazing team. Below are the bios (from 2015) of the international consortium of ICCE thought leaders and trainers who contributed to the ICCE eLearning initiative.
Scott Miller D. Miller (US) Founder of the ICCE
Scott D. Miller, PhD is the founder of the International Center for Clinical Excellence, an international consortium of clinicians, researchers, and educators dedicated to promoting excellence in behavioral health services. Dr. Miller conducts workshops and training in the United States and abroad, helping hundreds of agencies and organizations, both public and private, to achieve superior results. He is one of a handful of “invited faculty” whose work, thinking, and research is featured at the prestigious “Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference.” His humorous and engaging presentational style and command of the research literature consistently inspires practitioners, administrators, and policy makers to make effective changes in service delivery.
Scott is the author of numerous articles and books, including Escape from Babel: Toward a Unifying Language for Psychotherapy Practice (with Barry Duncan and Mark Hubble [Norton, 1997]), The Heart and Soul of Change (with Mark Hubble and Barry Duncan [APA Press, 1999, 2010]), The Heroic Client: A Revolutionary Way to Improve Effectiveness through Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Therapy (with Barry Duncan [Jossey-Bass, 2000], and Jacqueline Sparks [Revised, 2004]), Staying on Top and Keeping the Sand Out of your Pants: The Surfer’s Guide to the Good Life (with Mark Hubble and Seth Houdeshell [HCI Books, 2003]) and the forthcoming Achieving Clinical Excellence in Behavioral Health: Empirical Lessons from the Field’s Most Effective Practitioners (with Mark Hubble and William Andrews).
Cynthia Maeschalck (CA) ICCE Senior Associate
Cynthia Maeschalck is the ICCE Community Manager and a faculty member. Cynthia has been a Senior Associate and Certified Trainer with the ICCE since its inception and has written several articles about FIT, helped to develop the ICCE Core Competencies, co-authored 3 of the 6 ICCE FIT manuals and is the lead author of the ICCE FIT Supervision Manual. With over three decades of experience as a counsellor, clinical supervisor and manager in mental health and addiction services her practical experience has been an asset in assisting clinicians and agencies around the world to understand and implement Feedback Informed Treatment successfully.
Cindy Hansen (CA) Certified ICCE Trainer
Cindy Hansen, BA-Psych, HHP, is the Vice-President of Health-Factors, the company that developed FIT eLearning and MyOutcomes®. Her career has been centered on advancing behavioral health best practices and self-report outcomes measurement. She has presented at national research and medical conferences, as well as to general audiences on these topics. Through her close contact with the MyOutcomes’® global client base and her experience in web-based program development, Cindy brings a unique insight into the process of developing the clinical tools and resources therapists need most.
Susanne Bargmann (DK) ICCE Senior Associate
Susanne Bargmann is a licensed psychologist and specialist in psychotherapy. She has over 8 years of experience working with CDOI / FIT. She has written several Danish articles about CDOI / FIT and, more recently, has published an article discussing the Evidence-Based Practice (EDP) and how CDOI / FIT can contribute to a more fully developed understanding of EDP. Susanne is dedicated to improving the way professionals think about therapy and diagnosis.
Eeuwe Schuckard (NZ) ICCE Senior Associate
Eeuwe Schuckard is a psychologist currently working for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in New Zealand. CAMHS is funded by Capital and Coast District Health and offers multidisciplinary assessment and intervention for children and adolescents experiencing mental health difficulties. In 2009, Eeuwe completed the Child and Family Psychology programme at Canterbury University and started practicing. In 2012, Eeuwe completed both the Advanced FIT and Training of Trainers courses. With the assistance of his fellow clinicians, Eeuwe set up formalised outcome management systems at CAMHS in Pember House, Porirua. After routinely gathering outcome data between the years 2012-2013, the clinicians at the service are now among the few in New Zealand with sufficient data to estimate their relative effectiveness. Efforts are also now underway at CAMHS to improve and tailor service provision using client-solicited feedback. Eeuwe is currently developing a project that uses simulation and other novel training approaches to improve his own effectiveness, as well as that of other clinicians at CAMHS.
Jason Seidel (US) ICCE Senior Associate
Jason Seidel is a Denver psychologist in private practice. He has worked in psychological and counseling services for over 20 years. Jason is one of the first psychotherapists to report his outcomes in rigorous detail on the Internet. He has demonstrated best-in-class psychotherapy outcomes for adults since he began formally tracking client progress in 2004. Having deliberately practiced helping others in the “deep end of the pool” since he was a teenager, Jason now clinically specializes in the integration of intolerable emotions and healing the impact of extreme experiences. He has also worked in the fields of biopsychiatry, business development, as well as mythopoetic initiation and mentoring. In addition to practicing what he preaches to his clients, Jason brings his open heart, brutal honesty, and quick sense of humor to consultations with individuals and organizations, thereby helping them attain tremendous improvements in their outcomes and service quality.
DANIEL L. BUCCINO (US) ICCE Associate and a Certified Trainer
Prof. Buccino is the co-founder and co-director of the Baltimore Psychotherapy Institute. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at John Hopkins University School of Medicine and is also the Clinical Supervisor and Student Coordinator of the Adult Outpatient Community Psychiatry Program at the John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. He is an I.C.C.E. Associate and a Certified Trainer. He has worked extensively with Jason Seidel and Scott D. Miller in evaluating the theory that seeking formal feedback from consumers of behavioral health services decreases drop out and deterioration while simultaneously improving effectiveness. Prof. Buccino and his colleagues have reported their findings in Responding to New Scientific Objections to the ORS.
Stan Steindl (AU) Certified ICCE Trainer
Stanley Steindl is an Australian-based trained psychologist who works at Morningside and Newmarket practices. He has been practicing clinical psychology since 1993 and works full-time in private practice. Stan’s doctoral research involved examining motivational interviewing techniques and cognitive behavioural therapy upon the treatment of combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol dependence. In 1999, Stan began his general clinical psychology practice when he established Psychology Consultants Pty Ltd. Stan is an experienced presenter and an adjunct senior lecturer at the University of Queensland. He conducts training sessions in Motivational Interviewing (MI) and is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). Stan has also delivered several workshops on feedback informed treatment and how it enhances clinician effectiveness and improves client outcomes.
David C. Low (UK) Certified ICCE Trainer
David C. Low is with the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. He has worked with Scott D. Miller, of ICCE, and Brigitte Squire, from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, in implementing feedback-informed treatment into Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
With his colleagues, David developed a practical guide for integrating user feedback and outcome tools into clinical practices that are focused on child and adolescent mental health and their families. The guide offers helpful ideas to supervisors and clinicians using outcome measures and tools in their clinical practice and shows them how to use the clinical information they routinely gather to improve what they do.
The goal of offering this online training in FIT Basics is to help fifty talk therapy professionals become Certified FIT Practitioners in 2022/23. Will you be one of them?
Book a free coaching session to see if FIT training with is right for you
Already an experienced FIT Practitioner? Ask about the special package to help you become Certified by the International Center for Clinical Excellence as a CFP or CFT.

FIT Basics Learning Outcomes
Lesson 1 Participants will be familiar with research findings in behavioral health outcomes and will be able to identify:
- What is working in the field of psychotherapy (i.e. treatment is efficacious, cost effective etc.).
- What is not working in the field (i.e. high drop outs, stagnant outcomes, etc.).
Lesson 2 Participants will learn and be able to:
- Identify and define the factors that account for the efficacy of all talking therapies (i.e. extra-therapeutic factors, therapist factors etc.) and what proportion each of these factors contribute to change.
- Identify what does not account for the efficacy of psychotherapy (i.e. model, and technique).
- Define therapeutic alliance; describe the components that make up the therapeutic alliance.
Lesson 3 Participants will learn and be able to:
- Define Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) and articulate how FIT differs from treatment models and approaches.
- Identify what predicts and what does not predict outcome.
- Explain why it is important to gather formal client feedback on outcome and alliance (i.e. early change, client experience of alliance).
Lesson 4 Participants will learn and be able to:
- Describe what outcome and alliance measures are measuring.
- Describe who developed the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and the Session Rating Scale (SRS); why these measures were developed.
- Identify the characteristics of a culture of feedback.
- Articulate why a culture of feedback in therapy is important.
- Be familiar with a number of strategies for enhancing the development of a culture of feedback in therapy.
- Improve their skills in generating honest client feedback, through practice exercises.
Lesson 5 Participants will learn:
- How and when to introduce the ORS to clients
- How to score the ORS
- How to track the ORS on a graph
- To be able to administer the ORS to their clients, through practice exercises.
Lesson 6 Participants will learn:
- How and when to introduce the SRS to clients.
- How to score the SRS.
- How to track the SRS on a graph.
- How to administer the SRS to their clients, through practice exercises.
Learning Starts Here
Learning is easier than ever with FIT Practitioner Development Training. Users can customize the learning process based on their own needs and level of expertise. Our goal is to make it simple and convenient for users to acquire new skills, wherever they are. In a fast-paced world that’s constantly changing, it’s time for you to take learning into your own hands.
Knowledge for Every Level
Feedback-Informed Treatment and its many iterations have come to be recognized as best practices, because they produce better results. FIT practitioners gather feedback data from clients using standardized outcome and session rating scales to identify what is and is not working in therapy. Keep doing whatever is working but know that if you increase your FIT skills, it’s going to start showing up in really gratifying ways. This training offers professionals interested in adopting a more feedback informed approach an opportunity to strengthen their FIT skills. When you participate in our FIT Practitioner Development Program, you’re joining a global community of like-minded individuals searching for better results.
Get started by booking a call to learn more about the Online Psychotherapy Training in Feedback-Informed Treatment offered on